Redeemer has a long standing history of musical excellence. If you would like to participate in any of our musical ensembles, please contact Huger Caughman, Jr. by calling the church office (803) 276-2003 or email her (

The Senior Choir
Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm during the school year and at other special times. Please check out the calendar for specific dates.
The Senior Choir routinely presents special musical programs during the church year and assists with programming at Newberry College and the SC Synod.

Choral Scholar Program
The Choral Scholar Program began in the fall of 2014 and utilizes additional singers from Newberry College and the community. This program has been very successful in helping to train a new generation of church and musical leaders. If you would like to contribute to this program, you may include it with your regular offering, use the online giving option, or send money to the church office (1515 Boundary Street, Newberry, SC 29108) and designate it for “Choral Scholar Program”. The Choral Scholars have an annual showcase which helps raise additional funds for this program.

Redeemer Ringers
The Redeemer Ringers (handbell choir) rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm. The rehearsal schedule is usually September – May with additional rehearsals for special events. Please check out the calendar for specific dates.

Children’s Choir and Junior Choir
These ensembles are for our youngest singers. The Children’s Choir is for children in kindergarten through 3rd grade. The Junior Choir is for children in 4th – 8th grade.

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry meets each month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 10:00 am in the church library.  The members of this group have a passion for knitting and sharing their work with the infirm.  Shawls are blessed and sent out into the community to share the love and warmth of their work as an expression of God’s compassion and healing hand.

Redeemer’s LMM Unit meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Redeemer Family Life Center.

AMEN for Lutheran Men!

For more information on the SCLMM, follow this link:

Redeemer has a very active Women of the ELCA ministry.  Regular meetings are held each month in the church library on the 1st Sunday at 3:45 pm for a brief business meeting followed by a program at 4:00 pm.  All ladies of the congregation are encouraged to attend and participate.

For more information on SCWELCA, follow this link:

Please check out the calendar or the Redeemer Youth Instagram page for more information.

Feel free to contact Aubrey by calling the church office (803) 276-2003 or by emailing her ( if you have questions or want more information about upcoming youth events.

For more information on SCLCY, follow this link:

Supper Club consists of folks who love to be in fellowship together while eating together.  They typically meet once a month and travel to a restaurant locally or nearby for great food and fun.  Continue to keep an eye out for information in the Redeemer Reader, weekly announcements, and on the church calendar.

In the winter of 2018, The Lutheran Church of The Redeemer received a substantial financial gift from a member who had recently died.  After prayerful consideration, discernment, and time the Congregation and Community of The Lutheran Church of The Redeemer would use a large portion of this gift to create an Endowment Fund for Mission.

This Endowment Fund’s purpose is to provide financial assistance to many different types of projects both within the congregation and the greater community.

Each application will be overseen by The Lutheran Church of The Redeemer Endowment Team who will then decide which submitted projects best align with the Endowment Fund for Mission’s vision.

Disbursements of funds will be made available in February of each year beginning in 2020.