Redeemer has a long standing history of musical excellence. If you would like to participate in any of our musical ensembles, please contact Huger Caughman, Jr. by calling the church office (803) 276-2003 or email her (
The Senior Choir
Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm during the school year and at other special times. Please check out the calendar for specific dates.
The Senior Choir routinely presents special musical programs during the church year and assists with programming at Newberry College and the SC Synod.
Choral Scholar Program
The Choral Scholar Program began in the fall of 2014 and utilizes additional singers from Newberry College and the community. This program has been very successful in helping to train a new generation of church and musical leaders. If you would like to contribute to this program, you may include it with your regular offering, use the online giving option, or send money to the church office (1515 Boundary Street, Newberry, SC 29108) and designate it for “Choral Scholar Program”. The Choral Scholars have an annual showcase which helps raise additional funds for this program.
Redeemer Ringers
The Redeemer Ringers (handbell choir) rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm. The rehearsal schedule is usually September – May with additional rehearsals for special events. Please check out the calendar for specific dates.
Children’s Choir and Junior Choir
These ensembles are for our youngest singers. The Children’s Choir is for children in kindergarten through 3rd grade. The Junior Choir is for children in 4th – 8th grade.